The MahoganyBooks & Very Smart Brothas book club is excited to announce that our May book is Zora and Langston, by Yuval Taylor. Zora and Langston: A Story of Friendship and Betrayal is an "intimate portrait of two luminaries of American literature against a backdrop of the cultural, political, and economic forces that influenced them." "They traveled together in Hurston's dilapidated car through the rural South collecting folklore, worked on the play Mule Bone, and wrote scores of loving letters to each other. They even had the same patron: Charlotte Osgood Mason, a wealthy white woman who insisted on being called 'Godmother.' Paying them lavishly while trying to control their work, Mason may have been the spark for their bitter falling-out. Was the split inevitable when Hughes decided to be financially independent of their patron? Was Hurston jealous of the woman employed as their typist? Or was the rupture over the authorship of Mule Bone? Yuval Taylor answers these questions while illuminating Hurston's and Hughes's lives, work, competitiveness and ambition" Join the MahoganyBooks + Very Smart Brothas Book Club on June 7, 2019 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM for what promises to be a fun, insightful, and engaging conversation about a book that tells the story of relationship that defined two of the literary worlds most influential voices. Please join us at MahoganyBooks for the live discussion or chat with us online via our Facebook live stream of the conversation.