ABC Tech and Innovation Symposium Agenda: 12:00 PM -- Lunch 1:00 PM -- 1st Session: Cybersecurity - James Bowen, The Five Nines 2:00 PM -- 2nd Session: Drones/Laser Scanners - Corey Bell, BuildingPoint 3:00 PM -- 3rd Session: Safety Tech/Labor Tracking - Guido Mangani, Field Control Analytics 4:00 PM -- 4th Session: Current Tech Trends/Top 5 Tech Impacting ABC Members - Matt Abeles, ABC National 5:00 PM -- Networking and Vendor Happy Hour!
Covering relevant examples of cyber security and the responsibility of the IT portion in organizations. A discussion around Cyber Attack incident response and a brief status update on Artificial Intelligence.
A survey of new drone and laser scanner technology and how this tech affects the construction industry, More Information soon to come.
Field Control Analytics will discuss how we capture labor data analytics which is then used to drive on-field productivity and cost savings to projects. We do that through site access control, this tracks who is on your site with realtime labor census. From there we can extrapolate payroll and insurance data and through our Learning Management System that can help raise safety standards.
How tech companies are providing support to overcome today’s obstacles. Insight into major tech trends for contractors of all sizes, and how ABC has resources, and partnerships to help members across the way. Discussion on how to build a culture to successfully innovate as well.