Albuquerque Chinese American Film Festival - Our Common Humanity
Albuquerque Chinese American Film Festival - Our Common Humanity


This year's film festival includes a wide variety of films that pertain to the Chinese American experience as it relates to social justice issues relevant to all Americans. It also includes the Netflix Animated feature Over the Moon and the 2020 Golden Globe winning film The Farewell, starring Awkwafina. By participating in this event, you acknowledge your media release for the Chinese American Citizens Alliance.


Alexander J.
Aliyah D.
Alli H.
Annie W.
Athena C.
Bethany B.
Bin L.
Bomi P.
Cathy S.
Cecily Y.
Charlesly J.
Chris G.
Cindy S.
Clara L.
David H.
Denicia C.
Dianne L.
Eddie S.
Elena S.
Elizabeth Z.
Ely Y.
Farah N.

This Event Has Ended

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