
Process 7m Process is a short film by Christian Padron featuring original music and score from Samora Pinderhughes. It is a meditation on grief and loss, dedicated to all those we have lost during these unpredictable and tumultuous times. As we see the external public outcry around the world in recognition of the pandemic, as well as premature death caused by systems of white supremacy, policing, and capitalism around the whole world, we also know that there is so much internal anguish and heaviness that so many of us have to carry around. So much grief. This film is for all those in mourning, all those just putting one foot in front of the other to get through each day, and all those supporting each other. BETH + JEREMY AND STEVE 1h 29m 09s B+J&S is a film about contemporary marriage, monogamy and becoming an adult. The intersection of a middle thirties couple, childless and adrift, with a teenage boy who is floating through life day to day. How they rub up against the conventional expectations around them and fulfill their basic needs in a casual drift that seems more like following impulse than choice. When a line is crossed, what comes after the jealousy? How do you accept the complexity of the individuals involved? B+J&S is a smart, contemporary take on the 80’s and 90’s young male films all grown up for 2022. It treats both the teen and the adults with a mature exploration those testosterone driven fantasies missed. How do we truthfully navigate complex circumstances of relationship, fidelity and coming of age at two different phases of life, teen and adult

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