In an effort to support local and national program initiatives, ASA-NM will develop and seek support for fundraising efforts. Funds will be used for programs such as the ASA National Scholarship Fund, the ASA National Self Defense Legal Fund, the local ASA-NM Political Action Committee as well as other programs and is at the discretion of the ASA-NM Board of Directors. Two ways to participate: Online Corporate Donations ($100.00 minimum) Purchase a raffle ticket. Tickets are $10.00 each or 3 for $25.00. There will be quarterly drawings for different items. Raffle ticket purchases can be made online (tickets will be mailed to you) or in person at ASA-NM events. You do not need to be present to win. WIN A CUSTOM FIRE PIT Drawing date: May 15, 2024 Drawing location: Beer & Business Cards Happy Hour location: TBD Donated by Yearout Mechanical, Inc.