Associated Builders and Contractors
Associated Builders and Contractors
Sporting Clay Tournament

Select tickets

Title Sponsor


Includes 2 teams of 5 in the tournament, breakfast and lunch will be provided to all shooters. Includes Presented by (your company) on all event signage, 4 station sponsor signs, logo on sponsor banner and recognition at the event.

-9 remaining

12 Gauge Sponsor


Includes a team of 5 in the tournament, breakfast and lunch will be provided to all shooters. Includes station sponsor sign, logo on sponsor banner and recognition at the event.

ABC Member Team of 5


Includes a team of 5 in the tournament, breakfast and lunch will be provided to all shooters.

Non-Member Team of 5


Includes a team of 5 in the tournament, breakfast and lunch will be provided to all shooters.

Tournament Sponsor


Set up a table at the event, includes breakfast and lunch for 2 attendees to attend the event. Logo on sponsor banner and recognition at the event.

5 remaining

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