New version Addmi 1.4 includes MAJOR upgrades!

Nov 24, 2022

Important update - please read!!

We have released our Addmi POS version 1.4, which is a significant upgrade and contains many powerful new features. Many of these features will be helpful to every Addmi user. Some may not apply to you. We RECOMMEND that all account managers watch the 1.4 Features video. See link below. If you have any questions and/or would like a personalized demo to learn about how these features can benefit your business, schedule a time here: Here are a few new features. POS - Server Shift Review (Clock out requires server shift review) (POS) - Timecard Management (POS) - Send a single menu item to multiple KDS stations - Sequential order numbers - Acceptance of online orders within POS - Split an order into two orders for easier payments - Create an order from existing order - Merging Two orders together for single payment option - Moving a payment from one check to another for correction purposes - Adjust a payment authorization if the total of the check changes - Payment Screen has been updated and upgraded - Nested store consolidates items for faster POS workflow - Restrict Server Orders (Allows Servers to only view their orders) (POS) - Manager Shift Review (POS) - Account Language Settings (POS) - Printer configuration options (Group order tickets, Trigger when to print) (POS) - Ability to send “Open Items” to a station (POS) CFD Customer Facing Display for customers at POS station ADS - Fulfillment summary bar* groups menu items and displays a total count - Fulfillment Warning Threshold* automates order display based on prep times - Expeditor mode - fulfillment progress viewed on multiple stations HARDWARE Now compatible with the Square Stand

New "Select and Fire" buttons (Hold, Stay, Send)

Allows users to send items to the kitchen at different times during the customers dining experience.

Updated Payment Screen

Increased flexibility with adjusting payment totals, moving payments to existing orders.

Online Order Acceptance

Ability to accept or reject online orders